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File: 1646247435630.png (346.76 KB, 2046x968, classic sharty gem.PNG)


Soot add this as a banner. This has been a long time coming, maybe 6 or 7 months


colorjaks are coal


this is classic sharty culture whether you like it or not, stop trying to hold the rest of us back


there’s actually a version of this with more stuff added that the chud made back in the day. i know i have it somewhere


Keyed anticolorchad


OP here. I found this version with more stuff added. There was a colorjak version and non colorjak version to please the colorjakkers at the time. I don’t have the colorjak version, so you can make a colorjak version of this if you would like. I was originally gonna hide this version and post an edit where I made the wholesome soyjak colorful, but that didn’t feel right. I’m a colorjakker but I’m not gonna hide lost soyjak media because there’s no colorjak. Here you go. Soot add this, it represents a time that I want to be remembered


File: 1646249059702.png (382.81 KB, 2500x1000, IMG_5746.PNG)

Here it is


File: 1646249152762.gif (249.31 KB, 600x200, C74D4CEB-7AC1-43D6-8DAF-29….gif)

That being said I’d like for this to be added as a banner some day.


File: 1646249237543.png (583.42 KB, 1001x823, sunset crying.png)



I remember chuds being mad as fuck because flandre was included LOLE


there is a forced troon coal in there


yeah the deformed baby jaks


kys /qa/ nigger


Yes, problem tranny?


File: 1646255360414.png (40.94 KB, 170x255, 6839 - ee9041b5b09cbd0c693….png)

those were so forced that these jaks were lost until like 2 weeks ago, sure


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