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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1645767891951.png (67.73 KB, 501x959, 1693 - f58c0cc9ec09db6fb67….png)


Delete /soy/
Create /cado/, /flart/, /lolcow/, /inflation/, /4chan/ /discord/, /bant/, /franku/, /keem/, /isis/, /mask/, and /caca/


And /babymonkeytorture/


this also make /plier/, /cunny/, /nate2/, /nate3/, /nate4/, and /nate5/


File: 1645841068126.png (83.99 KB, 970x683, Soydrax.png)

>>13108 >>13109

I agree with this but instead of /soy/ delete /sneed/ and add /cooc/ for adventure threads and webcomic original content like /ynj/ and /fwl


File: 1645841976707.gif (160.99 KB, 946x947, ezgif-2-da73fbc129.gif)

>hey you know what
>these subhuman chinks who torture innocent baby monkeys
>yeah kek LMAO lmao they are so funny i fucking love seeing animals get tortured to death like NIGGER it's so quirky and fun and i'm such a hecking deviant psychopath kek kek kek XDddDD
rope yourself fucking tranny





nas coal


There is no babymonkeytorture subreddit


There is, take meds now

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