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File: 1643912179688.png (50.62 KB, 700x700, 1643509412042.png)


day one


I though 'ru was death


yeah i'm also asking them to restore onions.booru since we could shill it easily


It depends, if it's just filtering the coal, then that's fine.


but what of I hate both chuds and leftychuds?


does soot even have any control over the new booru


no such thing as apolitical. you either ban tranny marxists parasites or let them destroy your website


what is your ideology?
I wanna know so I can reason with you


File: 1644021291178.jpg (308.37 KB, 1080x1852, 19285063.jpg)

he's still approving coal.


>no such thing as apolitical
Yes there is, take your head out of your ass and have fun.


Suddenly relevant again


soot do this



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