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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Soot please tell the boorufag to restore booru.soy and accept leftiejaks


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booru should allow 'jaks of all nature as long as they’re properly tagged. just add a feature where you won’t see jaks you don’t like based on tags. it’s really not hard boorufag




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lmao this is what boorufag is like lol


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I'll accept some leftycoals if they're creative and related to the 'party. I don't even know what website these "soyjaks" are coming from
By the same standard I could flood the booru with hundreds of lazy jaks from thedonald


fuck off accept all lefty content you censoring nigger, this is not a rightist exclusive booru you fucking polchud newfag


accept polchud and leftypol jaks


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L + ratio + lolkek better


I think that you just upload them because you know they're low quality and that it annoys the vast majority of the userbase. The booru isn't your personal vehicle for trolling


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Ok, I'll give you a choice: We can have no "censorship" and I'll go find hundreds of ias gems like pic related and upload them. Or we can have quality standards.
>Sure retard, its not like the booru has plenty of the same format already
These are the standards going forward. I haven't removed any coal that was from booru.soy
Color is welcome, the only rejected colorjaks have been the 30 slight variations of the same wholesomejak edit


Yes, upload them all nigger


No, they're coal


>NOOOOoOOOoooOO i arbitrarily HAVE to decide what soyjaks are allowed and what not!!!! I'M RIGHTTT!!! EVERYTHING I DONT LIKE IS COAL!!!!
Fuck off, soot tell this guy to resign please


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>>NOOOOoOOOoooOO i arbitrarily HAVE to decide what soyjaks are allowed and what not!!!! I'M RIGHTTT!!! EVERYTHING I DONT LIKE IS COAL!!!!
>Fuck off, soot tell this guy to resign please


this + get



so advocating for no jakking censorship is a leftist position now?


nothing wrong with any of these, just accept them nigger
how about you put a limit and use your brain to figure who is spamming or not? one or two per day is fine don't be autistic
you think you're better than lolcoal by doing this but you're far worse, and you aren't applying this rule fairly.


>By the same standard I could flood the booru with hundreds of lazy jaks from thedonald
nothing wrong with that


>can't use it in a soyquote
Don't slack off with this r/polcomp garbage


delete impnigger and wholecuck garbage while you're at it


yes, honestly


soot restore booru.soy



this lol, I don't care


but I care, however


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all 'jaks are equal in the eyes of God
no man has any right to discriminate in his database


Some are coal, however.
Lefty coal is one of them.


literally just make your own booru where you allow anything retards


nah, i demand that soot hires someone who isn't a censoring sperg and approves all kinds of jaks like a good sojakker should


i want trannies to get a taste of their own medicine, again just make your own site faggot
i rather soot just get rid of this FUCKING GOOGLE CAPTCHA
and i see that dailyjak is made with wix and that it tries to coerce you to login with jewgle or shitter, you fags keep relying on proprietary globohomo cancer then act surprised when your shit gets banned, taken down and censored
heres a serious suggestion i think soot should consider, stop using any and all proprietary software for your sites, there are foss alternatives for anything you could possibly need without having to worry about some flaming technocrat niggers taking it down


either make your own site or have a place in the booru where anything deemed coal gets placed and can be viewed by anyone, that way the trash doesnt get mixed in with the rest of the soys, thats more reasonable if he wants to filter garbage, the other suggestion is of course to just make your own site where you allow anything
>trannies pretending to care about censorship when their coal gets banned
cool story bro, you'd do the same to "chuds" and not give a fuck


last time the booru was filled with politicoal soot personally intervened to tell lolkek to stop uploading them


because people didn't like it
and now people don't like censorshipt, literally same thing


>j-just split the booru bro
not a solution


not everyone opposing a censoring politicized sperg is a tranny, you should know that by now




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nobody likes them now either
keep whining and complaining soot isn't coming to change your diaper


I don't have a diaper, I'm a big boy


>nobody likes them now either
you don't speak for everyone, deformedshitter
there's a reason they're popular, and the only reason you don't like them is because they make you SEETHE


Lolkek did nothing wrong
I'm not her btw


nobody posts them on the sharty. maybe they're popular on tranny twitter or whatever but this is the soyjak.party booru not the tranny twitter booru


>this is the soyjak.party booru
Was it made by soot?
Was it promoted here?
The purpose of the old booru was to collect EVERY soyjak in existence, but you're ruining it with your faggotry.


>collect EVERY soyjak in existence
nobody said this, meds. the purpose of the booru is to create a database of every image related to soyjak.party


not her but I said this


soyjaks and p#blGEMS are related to soyjak.party thoughever


have sex y'all


It's /bant/ coal however


cis twitter, however



can i have sex with you?


The Booru should host only actual gems, not common coal that you can find on reddit or KYM.


NO. kys lolkek.


LMAO you can't have nazism without censorship, old booru NEVER had censorship kek lol lol nazi chudcels really do be like that fr


Yes, because it was before the leftypol coalers attacked.


Soot made me admin


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its over, the booru has been taken over by the soyjak cafe trooncord who also don't give a fuck about the party
soot do something


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>deformedjaks are discord


soot do something about the booru admin i can't make OCs bcs he blocks vpn like a vile jew


VPNs are not blocked, Tor exit nodes are.




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bumping this coal

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