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/soy/ - Soyjak

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File: 1655235173905.png (2.55 MB, 841x1329, 74BDF118-2FD5-455E-8958-12….png)


Bruh I can’t take this show seriously anymore
The first season was pretty good (up until the last episode), the second season had its moments but it was mostly dumb. I literally couldn’t stop laughing when the the big bad ass British guy said “my wife’s son” like LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


>watching (((tv)))


>my wife’s son
Got a clip?


File: 1655235484057.png (26.97 KB, 380x507, C5B529BA-C71B-48FC-A91B-D5….png)

>>watching (((tv)))


Fucking kike!

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