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/soy/ - Soyjak

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>I ejaculated while cleaning up my girlfriend (F24)

>After watching my best friend fuck the shit out of my girlfriend during a “threesome” I was already on edge.

>My girlfriend could tell he was close and started begging for him to cum inside her. He picked up the pace as she wrapped her legs and hands around him pulling him deeper. They looked so hot in lust making out as he came inside her. I could tell she could feel him cum when she let out this playful satisfactory giggle after and could not stop smiling as she kissed him.

>When he pulled out... I had the perfect view of her cum filled pussy. She had her legs spread wide open and started giving him a blowjob on her back, almost like she was making sure to get all his cum. I knew she wanted me to fuck her, but knowing I wouldn’t last 5 seconds I decided to go down on her first.

>There was a moment where she looked lost in lust squirming and sensually kissing him as I cleaned up his mess. It felt so submissive and erotic enjoying their unique taste. When I had to hold her legs down to keep her in place...That’s when I lost it. I came on both the bed and myself without them noticing. I was laying in my own cum as I continued cleaning her up. He clearly left her quite orgasmic because It didn’t take long to get her to cum.

>When she came down from her orgasm she playfully begged me to fuck her which is when I had to confess. It was embarrassing but kinda hot at the same time. I left to quickly get some water and when I came back they were already fucking again. I closed the door and gave them some privacy for round 2.

>Has this ever happened to anyone else before?


she didn't say that


Stop deleting threads kike


Soot prove this isn't you


soot said this

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