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/soy/ - Soyjak

(For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655222537844.png (697.23 KB, 2900x1000, 1623552023676.png)


Favorite banner fr fr no cap


File: 1655222822681.png (52.72 KB, 775x849, neutral cobson.png)

does anyone remember the gemson s4s banner? shame that soot took it down


File: 1655222879671.png (142.75 KB, 703x267, MPYUQ4G.png)

this one is kino


File: 1655223032805.gif (588.26 KB, 300x100, 1648852563732-1.gif)

this ones gemmier


I blocked it :)


I asked


File: 1655223257763.gif (62.84 KB, 466x554, chudspin.gif)





Who tf are you nigga???



File: 1655223487985.png (183.39 KB, 673x1155, Screenshot_20220614-111714….png)

soot add a chudjak banner to even out the troonjak one you centrist pissbaby



my 'cord is arcturus#0714 hmu


File: 1655223769121.png (52.46 KB, 775x849, not amused.png)

fake 'turus




die soot




darkest of brimstones


soot do this

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