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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Janny needs to crackdown hard, we got rid of the BBCoaler spadecunts, now lets get rid of the little bitch colornas spammer.


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Cope ape bitch, Soot already allowed NAS back into /soy/, you're losing this war.


File: 1655185952718.webm (2.11 MB, 568x568, 12056 - alternate animate….webm)

>>Cope ape bitch, Soot already allowed NAS back into /soy/, you're losing this war.

You couldn't even call me a nigger because you are discoal


Why is she lighting up with all those bright colors??


Because he is a colornas spammer ie a discord tranny


File: 1655186128862.jpg (84.88 KB, 720x800, 6453 - 3soyjaks arm baby b….jpg)

colorchads run this shit tranny nigger faggot



>she says while posting colorcoal


>Troonjak nas
kill yourself


>putting words in my mouth instead of a gun in yours


she never implied troonjak was nas coalshitter


Oh the seethe in this one.
Yes the fuck he did


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>Yes the fuck he did


How's that L taste?



File: 1655195028611.png (65.15 KB, 676x707, cobbcson.png)

gemson is here to stay

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