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/soy/ - Soyjak

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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File: 1655184551704-1.png (161.18 KB, 750x751, 1655099593582.png)


>Do you understand just how insane you are?
>Why are you here? Because I won't listen to what you or those like you say.
>What are you trying to do? Influence me somehow through your words like what you say is somehow going to affect my decision making when you're already here because it doesn't.
>And never will.


File: 1655184623438.jpg (3.83 KB, 159x192, jrghjudrhsgudrheuhg.jpg)

>That's fine, talking time is over.


File: 1655184650923.webm (2.05 MB, 480x480, Chinkjak IRL spamming BBC….webm)

>>Do you understand just how insane you are?
>>Why are you here? Because I won't listen to what you or those like you say.
>>What are you trying to do? Influence me somehow through your words like what you say is somehow going to affect my decision making when you're already here because it doesn't.
>>And never will.


File: 1655184808020.png (1.33 MB, 1969x1312, 1655167663477.png)

>>>Do you understand just how insane you are?
>>>Why are you here? Because I won't listen to what you or those like you say.
>>>What are you trying to do? Influence me somehow through your words like what you say is somehow going to affect my decision making when you're already here because it doesn't.
>>>And never will.

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