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/soy/ - Soyjak

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>Motivation is a false god




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>Le epic antiwork face


It's funny because I want even on /pol/
I was going to search something on 4plebs and the thread was on the homepage
I recognized the spam and thought to myself just maybe... let me check


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>Le epic antiwork fa-


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>Nothing but slide threads from cowardly shill troon faggots today. Reminder to anons to continue doxxing these faggots. Make sure that israel has to keep hiring these worthless wastes of oxygen.


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trannies keep losing lol




You can be antiwork and right wing you know, its just that instead of all waging being bad all the time, its within contexts of the capitalist pig boss being a jew.


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>El Argentino


"Antiwork" is just reddit for "be a nigger to the system"


Except r/antiwork shills for BLM and mass-immigration.


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Why is it always Canadians & Australians (chinks), or beaners that spam Chudjak?



holy fail


That's why it's reddit


If we take the antiwork ethos and strip it of all the social liberation garbage we could turn it in our favor.

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