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/soy/ - Soyjak

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>Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder, Double Rich Chocolate


the middle one is too real.


i feel you


banana cream is their best flavor


what is whey




>exercise and healthy eating...le bad
Do tourist trannies really?


File: 1655173407055.png (68.74 KB, 477x637, 1655083991747.png)



i don't do most of these things but i do have a gun collection to compensate for my tiny manhood


you will never use them


whey is toxic for you
you are eating toxins retard


File: 1655173603966.png (908.9 KB, 1746x1415, floyd feral jak.png)

>whey is toxic for you
>you are eating toxins retard


He is right tho




File: 1655173862811.png (11.14 KB, 1090x79, ClipboardImage.png)


Where is the toxin?


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>Where is the toxin?


okay then so you have no proof, no study, no snopes, nothing but le chemical name.........BAD


File: 1655174019120.png (87.7 KB, 478x640, 1654594159076.png)

What the fuck since when does whey add corn syrup to their powder?


I use Whey and look like that, i have a sturmfuhrer shirt too, but i use contact lenses albeit.

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