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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>putting bread drenched in ketchup with american cheese slices on top of it and microwaving it doesnt count as real pizza because.. uhh well uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh


she's right


when will chuds learn that using ":)", "lol" "kek" and "lmao" shows how angry they really are?


this type of passive aggressive faggotry is more of a troon thing though, chuds just go straight to calling you a nigger cuck if you disagree with them.
this is more common on /a/ or /jp/ or other tryhard fag boards


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Nigger :) lmao


I use it since I got Internet in 2007. I learned using them when there was separate Polish chat application until it was eclipsed by kikebook. But I use only smiles, lol, bruh, and sometimes kek.


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