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/sneed/ - Sneed

well la di da

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They call me Cuban Sneed. I'm the king of the fuck and suck beat.
When I play the gucciacas I go chuck chucky-boom, chuck chucky boom
Yessir, I'm Cuban Sneed. I'm the craze of my fancy german street.
When I start to dance, everything goes Chuck Chucky-boom, Chuck Chucky boom
The gummy bucacas they sing and they swing with cityslickers-
It's very nice, so full of soil ph.
And when they dance in they bring a happy ring that era chuckas-
Singin' a song, all the day long.
So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Sneed
And I'll teach you to Chuck Chucky-boom, Chuck Chucky-boom.
He's really a sour guy, although he's the flower guy
In Havana, in havana.
Si, sinorita I know that you would like to Chuck-boom-Chucky
It's very nice, so full of soil ph.
I'll place my hand on your hip, and if you will just give me your hand
Then we shall try – just you and I. I-yi-yi!
So if you like the beat, take a lesson from Cuban Sneed
And I'll teach you Sneed And Feed, Chuck Chucky Boom, Chuck Chucky Boom
Shake Your Gucci, Farmer 2, Wow!
Formerly See ya!



go up

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