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/sneed/ - Sneed

well la di da

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floss like a boss really lost his spark lately


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toss is an nft shill, try hedgewik



hes just as much of a zionist boomer grifter
kill all these faggots and their shitty comics


hedgewik is actually garbage tho.

no artistic talent.
no sense for comedy or pacing.
completely incapable of detaching from a subject for the sake of making a light hearted joke; every comic reads like it was authored in a state of frothing rage




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t. leftypol astroturfer
You people are so fucking obvious


His art is shit, so are his jokes redditfrog


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>His art is shit, so are his jokes redditfrog


His art is great, so are his jokes frogchad


At least chudtoss had some funny comics, hedgewik is just in-your-face about his your beliefs. There's no subtlety or humor
kys contrarian


His beliefs*


File: 1642249339520.png (106.83 KB, 708x800, staring neutraljak reverse….png)

>"hehe what if black santa stole a bike instead of gifting it"
>4 boring words words pages to say "NIGGERS ARE VIOLENT"
live contrarian


If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 otherthreads. i'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.


hedgewik is fucking shit, theres no way he's older than 15



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