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/sneed/ - Sneed

well la di da

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1637510309585.png (75.59 KB, 983x317, 1637509725912.png)


sneed won


this was a falseflag BY THE WAY though


File: 1637510555116.jpg (855.46 KB, 983x1727, 1637510028469.jpg)

was it?
hang yourself commie pedo troon nigger faggot kike


Such an obvious /pol/ larper, the wording is just too perfect


reviving this azuf gem


Azuf is an Sneedchad.


File: 1646361994558.png (440.85 KB, 901x1221, 2794 - closed_eyes crying ….png)

azuf now i know i was wrong
i messed up and now your gone

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