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/sneed/ - Sneed

well la di da

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1623555130262.jpg (12.29 KB, 219x220, image0.jpg)


>Google Hudspeth county mountains-Texas Peakvisor and then scroll down to the full list of all 70 mountains until you get to the 20th one


File: 1623555247896.jpg (119.75 KB, 490x600, 1617996171265.jpg)



>Thanks I’ll be taking that


File: 1623555815542.png (88.13 KB, 749x472, 1617934364326.png)

>>Thanks I’ll be taking that


>Thanks I’ll be taking that


File: 1623555876702.png (183.08 KB, 800x900, 1617929313418.png)

>>Thanks I’ll be taking that


>thanks I’ll be taking that


meds required itt


>no takey meddies
>autism is my superpower and the meddies make it go away
> I need discord to raid furfag servers and make fun of trannies
> you are being a meanie


i dont even understand what you're saying


>discord femboy furry thigh and bussy pics make me cringe and KEK but e girl tomboy is based and trad with big milky


meds don make autistico go away tho


File: 1623556912833.jpg (146.79 KB, 1280x720, 1611249852194.jpg)

>no takey meddies
>autism is my superpower and the meddies make it go away
>I need to raid Discord furfag servers and make fun of trannies


Make autism less strong
Mommy make me take meds when I jerk off to muscle girl cartoons


nice photoshop faggot no one should be proud of having mental retardation


nah it makes autistic grow bigger


File: 1623557084368.jpeg (67.71 KB, 600x684, D52D0330-9F49-4723-8C3B-2….jpeg)

>nice photoshop faggot no one should be proud of having mental retardation





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