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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654632861785.jpeg (189.33 KB, 640x995, 358D3198-5309-4103-A0A6-4….jpeg)


Mass report videos on qa video archive to get his channel deleted. I’ve already got one just need two more


I'm pretty sure his trannymaniacs video was striked in the past, maybe only one more.


Strikes go away after 90 days new normal was also taken down pretty recently


stop the brother wars we all promote soyjak why hate cuz he switched his swag???


File: 1654633940635.jpeg (153.89 KB, 640x528, 56309EB9-F7F7-4C65-938B-8….jpeg)

Using farty oc to shill f*ens chan is non negotiable


yes soyteen, you are le anoymouse legoon :)
my god you shitskins are fucking pathetic


File: 1654654808134.png (56.8 KB, 1295x779, ClipboardImage.png)

he manually removed the videos to avoid getting more strikes kek


kill that faggot


coal take

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