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/raid/ - Raid

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raid 4cringe with ancient 2016 memes


i remember when we posted these on /pol/ unironically and called it based lol




raid /a/


it is based though


Memes from 2016-17 were far funnier than anything today tho

>school shooting/columbine

>hitler and holocaust
>communism, soviet union
>bleach, cancer
>bass boosting, earrape, crazy editing

There used to be kkk meme compilations on youtube front page everyday with millions of views. Literally videos titled "offensive memes" and 9/11 memes. Swastikas used to be on the thumbnails.

Reddit used to use the word faggot and meme subs supported trump as a meme. There were atleast twice the subs now for memes, which are all banned now like r/edgymemes and many others

Today all the fun is gone


bass boosting, earrape and crazy editing are still alive thoughever.


Niggerbaby shitcels ruined memes.


File: 1655123534930.png (259.21 KB, 368x367, kids2015-16.png)

same chud here

>tfw born 2003

>early enough to miss the sjw phenomena having visible effects on daily life
>late enough to experience smartphones, youtube, minecraft, 2016, kino memes during childhood
>tfw born just on time


No tho. The best is just mashing a bunch of gifs together in 2x speed or some wojak chad edits.

Very little creativity

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