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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654168973560-0.png (157.04 KB, 562x638, 1654024609902-0.png)

File: 1654168973560-1.png (54.52 KB, 2452x230, ClipboardImage.png)


Simple method of calculating the importance of a GET
a / b * c
a = Posts left; b = Time left; c = the GET
leftypol's 1000000 GET would look like this:
42 / 2 * 1000000
Which is a GET value of 21000000
lainchan's 10000 /culture/ GET has a value of only 2921 because the board goes slower and the GET isn't that big


File: 1654175242596.png (264.76 KB, 2048x2048, turtle.png)



What’s the website in the 2nd picture I’m a newfag




Have you nerds ever successfully raided a site before? lol


Thank you anon

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