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/raid/ - Raid

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File: 1653602191362.png (19.73 KB, 400x453, Bild_2022-05-26_235455289.png)


>grab a jak
>post it on leftychan
>enjoy their buthur

have fun


forgot to mention, post on /b (its called siberia)


Im going in


Great gonna enjoy how violently garbage the 'sharty is gonna be for the next months


I overheard my son on the phone with one of his friends. He started bragging about his new girlfriend and her 'huge mommy milkers'
MOMMY milkers.
That's when I realized he didn't love this girl, he missed ME. Everything was going to be ok, as long as I kept him very, very close


File: 1653604859608.png (239.46 KB, 1724x653, Bild_2022-05-27_004055615.png)

its over


File: 1653606297158.png (115.64 KB, 1762x741, Bild_2022-05-27_010447349.png)



holy based


File: 1653606774472.png (164.56 KB, 1649x796, Bild_2022-05-27_011245958.png)

they are fucked


obessed german


shartyteens we win


File: 1653607007084.png (239.45 KB, 804x1325, schizo soy4.png)

You're just spamming a 'cado with this website linked. This is obviously a leftypol troon trying to gin up a counter-raid


File: 1653607041734.jpg (190.21 KB, 1078x1206, Screenshot_20220526-191459….jpg)


if youre so much better at this, do it yourself.
alteast im doing my part


leftytroons have never raided back


File: 1653607357465.gif (177.99 KB, 777x777, 1653258146406.gif)

>You're just spamming a 'cado with this website linked. This is obviously a leftypol troon trying to gin up a counter-raid>>26545


why are you just spamming one image though


Doing your part in coaling up this website even more. I'm doing my part in not doing that shit retard


File: 1653607497012.gif (603.7 KB, 298x400, brainlet soyjak.gif)

>leftytroons have never raided back


not an argument dfnt


except one obsessed troon posts the same shit every day thinking he's going to "convert" soyteens


File: 1653607691189.png (91.25 KB, 1810x555, Bild_2022-05-27_012751712.png)

imagine instead of having a fun raid you just complain


this raid should be moved to soy. we need round the clock 'jaking to keep the website down


you're not even striking the most important board


the troons are defeated they lie as we win


i did, got banned too fast



hows leftypols proxy defense? do they ban tor? what about datacenter ips?


tor is not banned on leftychan.net or leftychan.org but on leftychan.org you cannot post images


File: 1653607939313.jpg (325.21 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20220526-192942….jpg)

Dropped this on the music board




help soiteens


Okay I gotta hand it to you, it's gemmy




File: 1653608213635.png (126.94 KB, 792x572, g.png)


pretty sure they shadow banned me or something


guys I just want to confirm that this is the wrong lefty pol.
we got played
leftypol.org it the real site


File: 1653609770327.png (20.59 KB, 301x99, image_2022-05-26_190249333.png)

gem banner


yes but do you really want to awake the lefty dragon or do you just whant to have some fun on a leftypol anternative?


I want to raid real leftypol
this alternative is probably just an ip collection ploy


There's also /leftycel/ on 9chan that has the same mods as leftychan if you really care


File: 1653609993869.png (574.31 KB, 1024x722, Troon butchering.png)

>do you really want to awake the lefty dragon


>yes but do you really want to awake the lefty dragon


watch, I am going to post a soyjak on leftypol. I bet that I am already banned because they harvested my ip


It's a splinter of the original leftypol which is a splinter of the now defunct bunkerchan which was the backup site for the original /leftypol/ on 8chan where every fled to after the Christchurch thing


not banned yet



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