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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1653143035387.png (886.95 KB, 2000x2000, 5639 - black_skin glowing_….png)


Go to 4cuck and if someone ends a sentence with though, soyquote them (maybe with a minor word change to make the post original if it's needed on /r9k/) and attach a thoughjak. I'm currently banned, but you can help deal with these heretics.


File: 1653143174877.png (297.9 KB, 2731x1870, 1652211707283.png)

>Go to 4cuck and if someone ends a sentence with though, soyquote them (maybe with a minor word change to make the post original if it's needed on /r9k/) and attach a thoughjak. I'm currently banned, but you can help deal with these heretics.


I look like this and say this



reset your router or use your phone hotspot you fucktard. ive been thoughquoting for the past 6 months man what do you think ive been doing?? far out


if you want that done right, buy proxies and do it yourself

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