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/raid/ - Raid

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File: 1652402203879.png (54.01 KB, 255x255, 1652387323445.png)


Why don't chuds spam picrel in linkrel?


We don't want to get banned


I think we should start redpilling them on the holocaust.


better be able to change your IP because they will ddos you try who knows what else


hey guys let's raid leftypol and redpill them on the holocaust


Nazi bros, their mods are too good v_v



They are recycled trannies I'm doing gods work


Soyteens look at the timeline... I said let's raid them 2 days ago. I trolled them and used picrel. Now we are being DDos'd and slowed down. I'm not the only one who ruffled up their feathers but, I think it's them


meds schizo incel chud


File: 1652549686538.gif (84.98 KB, 255x192, 1651452031093.gif)

>meds schizo incel chud


File: 1652551932207.mp4 (1.57 MB, 576x320, stay mad.mp4)


Yeah this is how you shart up the sharty with weird obsessed trannies


Here's a hint: This fag is from leftypol or some discord full of people trying to goad us into raiding trannies, prompting them to swarm en mass and fuck up this board


Unlikely I've trolled them in three different threads. But, I do want to attack them though. Because it's a festering hivemind of faggots and they are probably behind the DDos'd anyways

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