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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652156468436-0.png (149.65 KB, 1365x632, Captură de ecran_2022-05-1….png)

File: 1652156468436-1.png (131.96 KB, 1932x1756, ClipboardImage.png)



They make it so hotlinking there brings you back to soijak party

Copy and paste: kohlchan.net


>nobody responds after 30 minutes
>here's the link again
get a hint dummy


File: 1652232178675.png (12.54 KB, 411x718, chud over (1).png)

soy raiding is death


why tho, theyre based


open the url in a new window, it werks


>literally named coalchan


do you want a cp raid here?

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