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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652139611133.gif (13.55 KB, 150x90, 1650400357704.gif)


Would you raid frenschan?


Guys c'mon


your personal army here. We need instructions and info first


I'm just waiting for the thread to blow up for that


>Raid the last bastion of free speech
Ok coaler


hi janny


it's just as bad as 4chan tho


File: 1652141181476.jpg (310.9 KB, 478x640, blak-shakespeare.jpg)

Someone needs to make a soyjak of this NOW!!!


So no raid huh??? What happened to the soyteens


boil in acid stu


It was confirmed by the mods that stu is a shared account
Reeks of glownigger

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