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/raid/ - Raid

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 No.25860[View All]

So I made a cozy account: https://cozy.tv/gir_489
Linked to this: https://t.me/gir_489

But it's not workikng. What do chuds?
63 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




think your latency is fucked
can still hear you but cuts in and out
maybe lower the bit rate?


It's because the Twitch app is gay let me reboot it.


sure, comfy stream btw


I can see the stream again


could users who dont own the server attack it though?


My dad keeps texting me about stupid crap and I just stopped answering him.


I could attack it if I want, but the cloud provider would see that and just fix it. I wouldn't be able to gain control of it for very long.


lol, I guess everytime you answer him it cuts off. stream is smooth when its on by the way


any thoughts on reiko? do you think him and the mods were in cahoots?


reiko was an infamous /r9k/ groomer who would groom younger posters on discord and convince them to troon out. hes responsible for making one of his victims commit suicide live on YT


Sorry I keep restarting the stream, my dad won't shut the hell up about addresses.


what do you think of /biz/ and its current state?


I always shit post on ban appeals


how do i enter the 4tran mod discord?


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dogjaks, coal or gem?


>dogjaks are gems
keyed, im partially responsible for them though i definitely wont take credit for them lol


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thanks mate


what do you think of jay irwin


jay irwin is a mod for 4chan


jay irwin louis i think? s4s mod i think


so are soyjaks going to end up in a court case lol


do you think hiro is aware of any of this?


do you know if any 4chan moderators are part of the soyjak moderation team?


Do you know if the 4chan staff has attacked any alt chans before the sharty?


I hear that typing, are you shit posting on the sharty


No, I'm talking to my father on Facebook.


send him deformed color jaks


He would just ask me to explain what it is.


got anymore military stories?


glad you didn't died


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Im glad your ok to this day. i forgot to ask, how did this whole scenario happen


lmao im retarded and saved the thumbnail, my bad


lmao are those people even from the sharty? am i the only one watching?


the last person i knew who talked about astrology was a psychopath/sociopath


>am i the only one watching?


I only asked you to stream to make sure you werent some unhinged impulsive guy ready to start shit. you came unprompted on raid posting shit i didnt have context to.
Im glad youre just some chill dude, potential larper, but i believe it for the most part.


ive been asking most of the questions so far


>smoking is LE BAD


Smoking tobacco is better than smoking weed.


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My new med alert bracelet.


alright man I should probably let you get some sleep. I gotta get to sleep myself. You should stream more. also
lol dont say that about yourself


I probably won't do either, but goodnight. I'm gonna end the stream.


keep it easy my guy. good luck with that 4chan shit


I'm heading out to get the U-haul truck.


schizo thread


what is this nigga


Some guy was live streaming and I asked him questions through the sharty

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