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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651007166506.png (38.34 KB, 600x800, 7386 - angry cyborg frown ….png)


There exists a massive dataset for /pol/ that can be used by text generation algorithms, such as gpt, to make fake /pol/ posts. There also exists a proof-of-concept site (https://playground-beta.gpt4chan.com/) that is using a trained version of the dataset to generate this fake text. To my knowledge, it is currently down to excessive requests. If soyteens can get their hands on the proper model file trained from this dataset, then we could set up scripts of our own to raid many chudcel areas using fake text and 'jaks.


holy gem
im /in/ bros


i thought about this too get some automatically generated garbage and spam threads on 4chan with scripts running on like 30 different proxies but im just too lazy so i forgot about it someday


File: 1651007503269.jpg (519.68 KB, 1240x1568, 9243 - angry arm clothes g….jpg)

chud tranny found

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