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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1650467573272.png (55.85 KB, 775x849, cobson stare.png)


Ther's an incel nazi forum on the internet known as "soyjak.party". Their main board (/soy/) is about to reach 500k posts soon, we should steal their GET sisters.


File: 1650467613764.png (76.83 KB, 415x707, 1638365751228.png)

your personal army


File: 1650467701731-0.png (18.44 KB, 721x720, cobson.png)

File: 1650467701731-1.png (34.94 KB, 721x720, CobsonSpade001.png)

File: 1650467701731-2.png (469.15 KB, 818x648, watson2.png)

We need to find the perfect 'obson for this


File: 1650585312062.gif (236.34 KB, 721x980, reddit earson.gif)


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