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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1650102361882.png (521.25 KB, 2230x1056, Screen Shot 2022-04-16 at ….png)


YOU WILL RAID https://bstall.org

I'm definitely not just trying to advertise my site just like what frenschan is doing here in the guise of a raid.

(Honestly, if sharty ever closes down, I'd gladly make a soy board, and I'm also very lax on bans.)





remove tripcodes to cull triptrannies before they can multiply




you dont want a kuz


dead imageboard


File: 1650104790542.png (6.37 KB, 427x400, images.png)



>attention troon


remembet the total nigger death


therell be more posters tomorrow dw king


Datamining site full of cp do not click


File: 1650109006976.png (421.47 KB, 768x719, ClipboardImage.png)

>>attention troon


>still attentiontrooning


Wait I just realized that I copied Kuz's Heyuri site by accident.


>by accident


pretty cool idea


File: 1650268701954.png (31.7 KB, 487x630, images.png)

>Directory 'res' can not be written to. Please modify its permissions.


File: 1650268947639.png (473.22 KB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

>>Directory 'res' can not be written to. Please modify its permissions.


File: 1650269022337.png (42.63 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>Directory 'res' can not be written to. Please modify its permissions.


File: 1650270672240.png (32.1 KB, 554x554, images (1).png)

>>>>Directory 'res' can not be written to. Please modify its permissions.


File: 1650276881254.jpeg (21.23 KB, 530x579, images (1).jpeg)

>let me guess, you fixed the website?



thanks kuz


File: 1650353135671.png (46.9 KB, 600x800, 11 - angry glasses proport….png)

why are you adding boards


File: 1650418538442.png (266.54 KB, 918x1306, 7146 - black_skin cloud da….png)

>add dark mode its hecking 2022


>tfw he did


What happened to frenschan? It was so comfy.


nothing, the mods just ban most people who post there


>it's a /bant/oid imageboard
im leaving


The 'sharty was there first though


>it's a /qant/oid imageboard
im staying


File: 1650785111865.png (371.75 KB, 1410x986, Screen Shot 2022-04-24 at ….png)

stole 2 gets on lolcow.farm's /m/ for the goodness of both sites


holy shit vinluv win


File: 1650875127702.png (831.5 KB, 684x806, 1650771261030.png)

site looks gemmy


do you datamine people


File: 1651032607152.png (10.41 KB, 684x806, image (12).png)


I'm OP, I do.


File: 1651038136487.gif (464.8 KB, 339x400, 1650763907282.gif)


File: 1651125377629.png (10.46 KB, 684x806, image (18).png)

at least color the sun glasses smh


the only thing collected are hashed ip addresses

datamining response do not look at


there are 2^32 ipv4 addresses so cracking an hashed ip address would take seconds on average consumer hardware


File: 1651565393362.png (81.91 KB, 610x784, image.png)

>axe wound is there






File: 1652024743721.png (37.8 KB, 300x100, 8.png)



boil in acid axe wound


I can officially say that bStall is up more often that the sharty.


Hi troonmelia


Hi troonmelia


Hi troonmelia


File: 1653293907723.png (40.65 KB, 610x654, 1645155056805.png)

how many more 'sites will axe wound kill? i think its over soybros...


File: 1653912651313.png (1.34 MB, 2426x992, Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at ….png)

sorry, the site is kill

still not RemiIia


lol rip


Rest in peace bStall. I liked going there, and I would have migrated there if the sharty died.


Hi axe wound


NVM I changed my mind it's back up


your site is fucking dead lole
maybe you should idk work on that?


>axe wound deleted the bstall /h/entai get after. stealing it because she felt sorry for poor little janny

holy fucking soy. soot should make your face sharty's background


Hi troonmelia


Hi troonmelia

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