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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649770425634.png (155.29 KB, 1082x594, ClipboardImage.png)




lol let’s make some soyjak YTMNDs


File: 1649780981939-0.png (484.02 KB, 1192x1650, Sign Here (5th copy).png)

File: 1649780981939-1.gif (5.6 KB, 200x200, Max_Avatar.gif)

>You WILL not post extreme racism
>You WILL not post hardcore pornography
>You WILL not post anything illegal (animal torture, anything that could be remotely described as child porn, etc)
>You WILL not post pictures of your friends or enemies
>You WILL not post someone's personal information (such as addresses, phone numbers, full names)
>You WILL not post inside jokes that the majority of the members of YTMND won't understand.
>You WILL not post any of the following words in the title or text of the site: OMG, LOL, ROFL, WTF, PWNED, O RLY, OWNED, OMFG, etc.
>You WILL not post blatant copyright infringement
>You WILL not post complete lack of creativity, such as straight rips from family guy, the simpsons or any other tv show
>You WILL not post anime (please, just go to 4chan and get it over with)
>You WILL not post finding random images on the internet and putting them to dumb random songs



File: 1649858303176.png (230.83 KB, 1312x487, Screenshot from 2022-04-13….png)


I know a gem when I see it.


holy gem

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