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/raid/ - Raid

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File: 1649226640109-0.png (405.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1649225871867.png)

File: 1649226640109-1.png (20.32 KB, 350x110, logo.png)


Frenschan is likely going to be the next big 'chan. Unlike previous altchans aimed at weeb trannies, frenschan is targeted at regular 4channers who are looking for a fun environment to hang out together, free of shills and troons. Should we raid them?


why are we raiding your website again?


It was dead last time. If we are raiding them, it should be on or after April 20.


why 20th of April what'll going on that date


File: 1649274006539.jpeg (251.33 KB, 619x454, 57E719D4-EDB7-45A3-964E-3….jpeg)

It’s 4/20
And it’s the 23rd anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre which was epic


>MAGA board
trumpsisters, we're moving there


Stop shilling your website


tranny meme


>shooting up schools good
Mexican Twink moment


>reddit frog


could you advertise your board any more obviously?


it would be better to create a soyjakker colony there tbh


File: 1649573731803.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>It’s 4/20
>And it’s the 23rd anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre which was epic

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