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/raid/ - Raid

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hop in, /tv/ has lot's of threads up too




>Yotsuba theme


2 posters did this alone, 2 more and we could flood the 'log. Why is farty so lazy?


We need a discord to raid more efficiently!


lol nice falseflag shilling sister hop on #cob


I'm right though


/tv/ jannies are dilating at the moment.



There were a lot more than 2 people, I made a thread on /tv/ telling everyone to go raid /a/ with soijaks and frogs, and many serial shitposters from that board joined in.

No one on this website wants do do anything on 4channel anymore, so I barely have any motivation to make posts here. I didn't even post about the thread I got to bump limit on /tv/ because I figured no one would care

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