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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648228779522.png (234.51 KB, 508x623, d2j0ckg-cb658d70-80c9-46b5….png)


What if we did a raid on TV Tropes? They're famously obsessed with the most minute of things, plus it's an old website.
Maybe we could replace the images for their articles with some gems? Or just spam forums?


File: 1648229195525.jpeg (125.01 KB, 760x704, C564EACD-2EC3-4F58-BC07-4….jpeg)

> What if we did a raid on TV Tropes? They're famously obsessed with the most minute of things, plus it's an old website.
Maybe we could replace the images for their articles with some gems? Or just spam forums?


File: 1648232950674.png (119.5 KB, 1194x606, tvtropes no gifs allowed.png)

just found out they have a no gifs policy
you thinking what im thinking?


Wonder if they filter APNGs too
May be hacks to get around the gif filter anyway, like the few people who managed to upload gif avatars to Twitter back in 2010 or so and still have them to this day


lole u goofed ur pasta


Not a bad idea. Do you have a date or something to do this on?






>created February 11
which one of you did this

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