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/raid/ - Raid

(For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647958582999.png (641.95 KB, 750x750, cadogemjak.png)


dead LARP board for chuds of the highest order. the jannies already -ACK'd themselves 5 months ago.



ok i’ll raid


>"raiding" an empty backup board
the most intelligent soyteen


togglebott filename, fucking kys


im not togglebot though i have been naming my files like that since /qa/. not my fault reddit trannies took it over.


the first rule of raiding is to have fun!


File: 1647960543938.png (3.09 MB, 1538x2048, togglebott.png)

>im not togglebot though i have been naming my files like that since /qa/. not my fault reddit trannies took it over.
nobody believes you toggletroon


i want handwritten proof though

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