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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646757161500.jpg (75.15 KB, 756x767, 1646757029347.jpg)


gemmy just dropped on /tv/ that gets newfags banned, go give it a bumo


the trick is to type 's0yjak.party', then it automatically changes to 'basedjak.party'. Pretend that typing it out does something really cool


File: 1646757525903.png (102.29 KB, 320x320, blueberry jam jak angry vi….png)

don't leak my sekret shilling method


nas coal


File: 1646758814494.png (210.44 KB, 1096x1171, 101.png)

oooh very clever


post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/




File: 1646759071678.png (36.98 KB, 600x800, 1007 - angry animal closed….png)

>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/




File: 1646759684928.png (787.04 KB, 1242x1394, janny.png)

>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646759732704.png (133.92 KB, 631x591, 1646708810794.png)

>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646759824375.png (2.38 MB, 1504x1301, ClipboardImage.png)

>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646760204051.png (411.84 KB, 894x919, feraljanny.png)

>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646760881901.png (143.52 KB, 816x749, muh newchuds.png)

>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761003897.png (340.67 KB, 1080x1078, forfree.png)

>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761105861.png (12.33 KB, 611x700, frog2.png)

>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761239667.png (397.94 KB, 844x612, jannies.png)

>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761440177.png (166.86 KB, 600x1091, frog3.png)

>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761541720.png (20.02 KB, 645x770, jannychud.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761638387.png (17.93 KB, 600x800, frog.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761806928.png (9.02 KB, 365x350, soot.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761879681.png (151.14 KB, 600x764, baby cry cry.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646761956343.png (195.44 KB, 768x699, jannydead.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


File: 1646762260445.jpg (128.92 KB, 598x800, babyjak.jpg)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>post this in >>>>/raid/ or change the picture, dont post nas in /soy/


You can get them to post "realrawnews" aswell. It results in a permaban for posting.



File: 1646762689894.png (228.38 KB, 618x789, smug.png)

ha! it appears you've made a mistake: you added an arrow not just to the line of arrows preceeding the statement (typically known as the "anchor" of the 'jak for all you amateurs out there), but also to >>>/raid/, turning it into >>>>/raid/, thus 'jakking an entirely different statement from the one i made. you lost on a technicality, kid. see me again when you've improved.



File: 1646762842154.gif (3.86 MB, 345x395, 1635294041827.gif)



the mod can confirm i didn't make that post. nothing personal, kid.






Are you sure it's just realrawnews and not realrawnews.com or anything similar?
I'm trying to bait members of 4chan's tranny general into saying it with the following:
>'Swenwarlaer' backwards is 'realwarnews' right? someone sent me this and my dyslexic brain can't wrap around it
By getting them to correct me.
See: https://boards.4channel.org/lgbt/thread/24804532 (I accidentally swapped 2 letters in the backwards word but I'm not sure if it matters, they'll probably get the gist of it anyway)


secretly getting people to post instaban words is a gem idea, most of them are too long/obvious for people to fall for though. you have to be more creative than just saying "post this url/copypasta for me please" because very few people will fall for that


File: 1646914884575.png (12.21 KB, 600x800, 2929 - angry glasses musta….png)

>this piece of shit is trying to get people b& for posting b& text, do not engage


sounds like some people fell for it LOL


Both will get you banned.


>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:
>Error: Your post contained banned text.
>Your ban was filed on March 11th, 2022 and expires on April 10th, 2022 at 00:00 ET, which is 29 days and 3 hours from now.


But why engage in such a shit plan when you could get anons to insert the text in a small font size into an image going along with filler text replies so that it's harder to identify and ban? Fucking retard. You should be starting the fire and letting it rise, not fucking with random nobody anons.

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