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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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46 posts till 50000 GET in /chat/


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doing my duty


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>You are banned! ;_;

>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:


>Signed, !!Sweetie Bot

>Your ban was filed on Friday 11 February, 2022 and will not expire.

>Click back to exit this message.




Nigga what was it?


>Sweetie Bot


File: 1644596980138.png (122.87 KB, 600x518, get.png)

excuse my pardon, jannies were too fast to archive


File: 1644597917631.png (6.14 KB, 588x134, lol.png)

lmao got permabanned too





Still don't get why ponies got so much hype in 2010?


for the same reason why these days chinese cartoons meant for children get hype


Anime fad is older than ponies and not exactly equivalent, beyond the fact that both are for losers.
Childish analysis of a sociological phenomena, try again.


i know its older but its the same phenomenon and the target audience was the same


File: 1646883440819.jpg (67.65 KB, 426x533, the chan.jpg)

it's literally not doe? The entirety of the Japanese animation industry is not comparable to a show that literally aired on discovery kids and the hasbro kids channel. Just because anime is for faggots and pedophiles, and the venn diagram of the two is almost a circle, doesn't lend it to your reductive assessment on the profound history of internet autism

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