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/raid/ - Raid

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File: 1644538757869.png (265.27 KB, 1097x1231, soylent pool.png)


/vm/ is trying to recreate "pools closed" à la Internet Historian and the gang
they obviously don't want shartiers there, as apparently "they're all retarded newfags that would kill it"
how can we piss in their bug burgers? im thinking we use the join method listed in the thread
>step 1.get occulus app and log in
>step 2, download "Horizon Worlds"
>step 3. install "Revive"
>step 4. launch game with Revive
>step 5. hold V to bring up a tutorial bit
>step 6. press tab and click play to skip the avatar creation
>step 7. YOU'RE IN
but join in 1-2 hours before the /vm/ start date looking like the soy wojak; bald, glasses, beard, make sure to constantly crack quips about how 4chud lost, /qa/ won, and sharty is king.




>replying to a months old thread
BTFOing oldfags is schway kys necrobumpfag


lmao cuckerberg's shit is an embarrassing failure. probably going to get shut down later this year, there's zero reason to use it over vrchat or second life and million reasons not to. they should've known from the start that the game is too dead to raid.

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