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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651817041553.webm (23.19 MB, 1920x1080, 64d4edde52f40c39b5a843d01….webm)


Are you afraid of nuclear war?


'straya wins yet again




Until the UN aid stops coming


BBC would survive and thrive without the systematic oppression from yt


File: 1651971442054.webm (3.69 MB, 854x480, Shekelstein suicide.webm)

Say it with me: Nothing ever happens!


File: 1651971846461.jpg (111.9 KB, 1538x927, strangelove jack d ripper.jpg)

It's one of our only hopes left


if it happens i do not want to survive the blast


File: 1651993623485.mp4 (32.85 MB, 960x540, jmed5c.mp4)

I'm terrified.


File: 1652039648329-0.mp4 (655.09 KB, 488x480, Trollge forgotten youtube.mp4)

File: 1652039648329-1.mp4 (1.29 MB, 1280x720, Burning memory.mp4)

>Misplaced in time


i wouldn't mind because enough people are dying with me and the world would be fucked up afterwards anyway so i wouldn't be worried about missing out on something

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