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I think I might actually be trans


cute, i am too


but it's not cute. I'm probably trans but don't want to transition or anything because it's deeply unhealthy


what makes you think that you "are" trans?
being trans isnt an innate state of being anyways, it's the result of a choice, and that is transitioning. if anything you're dysphoric


then im dysphoric. like I take it up the ass, I just feel like I should be a cute girl too.


a lot of people take it up the ass without having to troon out you know.
the real problem with trooning out, at least for me, is that you wouldnt ever get to be a real girl, but just a tranny, and trannies are basically the lowest of the low of human society and everyone is secretly disgusted by them. i had even bought a bunch of troon pills at some point but i changed my mind and i dont think im ever going to take them.




tranny coal


kill yourselves degenerates


finally, a self aware tranny. don’t listen to anyone, they are trying to groom you


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Why being a girl would bring 0 benefits, with the exception of bleeding threw the ass while being physically and mentally weaker.

Not to mention that if you troon out you would be even worst than that and have some serious infections or hormones problems which will fuck your skin and brain.

Heck even if you are deprave it wouldn't be good. As having something that sticks with you for ever won't be as pleasing in the long-term.It would be the equivalent of masturbating continuously at some point you will get sick.

I'm gonna make the assumption that your life suck in some aspect,(social,spiritual ,philosophical or economical).And that you think that by becoming a "girl" this problems will be resolve,which is false,or that you will achieve "random" happiness no matter if you have problems in your live,which is the equivalent of closing your eyes while being on a fire.So improve.

If my hypothesis is wrong please tell me your situation and thoughts?

Also nowadays propaganda and many stories romanticizes this,so stop consuming those which does.
The same although you seem to be more into it , why do you think this the way,also are you that guy from Morocco?


Why would you want to be a girl,it doesn't solve any problems and doesn't give you any advantage.


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You aren't, it's not real. It's some fad they made up like a few years ago. Just be normal


incel pseud
chad intellectual


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