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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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It feels like watching people driving on buses...
... and I watch them go places while I'm stuck at the bus stop. Everyone seems to have a ticket and be going places, but I don't. I don't know where to get a ticket, I don't know where I want to go.

I hear different ideas from some that change busses on my stop, they tell me stories from their journeys and who they've met and what's their next stop, and I listen and nod, but it sounds so fake. "And where did you get your ticket?", "I don't know, I just have it! You should too". But I don't.

I try to get on some bus anyway but feel uneasy. I don't have a ticket after all. I feel like I'm an intruder, I don't belong on this bus and the direction I'm heading doesn't feel right, no matter which I choose. I might try to fit in with the rest of the passengers but eventually I'm either caught riding without a ticket or decide the pretending and stress is too much.

So I get off at the next stop. And I sit on the bench and watch the busses go and the sun set.

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