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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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people always think i'm a trannie or some shit and everytime they ask for my pronouns
not just irl but online too
it annoys me so much
i'm just a male with xyy chromosomes


post your entire genetic code or youre lying


makes you feel compassion for them, doesn't it?


Bro he is on an image-board he is obviously a guy


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>xyy chromosomes
what's it like living with a condition like that?


more stupid and violent

>The incidence of convictions was significantly increased among men with 47,XYY compared to controls with a HR of 1.42 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.77, p<0.005) in all crime types, except drug-related crimes and traffic. Adjusting for socioeconomic variables (education, fatherhood, retirement and cohabitation) reduced the total HR for both KS and 47,XYY to levels similar to controls, while some specific crime types (sexual abuse, arson, etc) remained increased.

>Previously, lower intelligence has been pointed out as a contributing factor to the increased criminal behaviour in men with 47,XYY. Götz et al investigated criminality and antisocial behaviour in unselected men with KS and 47,XYY and showed that men with 47,XYY were more likely to have a criminal record compared to controls and found this to be due to lower IQ (n=16). ... Witkin et al found a significantly increased rate of criminality in 47,XYY (n=12) even after adjusting for social class and intelligence, while the crime rate among KS (n=16) after adjustment was similar to the background population.


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it's normal
in my childhood i was treated normally
because all children are kind of androgynous until they go through puberty
i went through puberty faster than others around me, no joke i even had a little hair above my lip at only 4 years old
i was always the tallest
the only really annoying thing growing up was the manboobs that come from the condition, but i would always dismiss them as extra fat
but now as an adult it's really fucking annoying because by abdomen looks like a trannie's and my face is androgynous, except for my moustache


post face


>because all children are kind of androgynous until they go through puberty
In modern Jewish times sure, faggot


>all children are kind of androgynous
i had a mustache at 8 though


>all children are kind of androgynous
i had a full beard at 10 though

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