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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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>My friend who has long ass greasy hair, doesn't shower and literally brings a DDLC yuri body pillow to school got himself a gf


if you think so lowly of him that should encourage you, not bring you down
you're a bitch


Power level'd. Stop being a cunt OP.


In college I had sex with a girl I met on my Mami dakimakura. She was probably a 7.5/10 too.
The moral is don't hold yourself back


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Its a wrap


You sound like a shitty friend
Here's a hint; its just a fucking phase kid, most literal children don't have a fucking girlfriend, but edgy ones who like to think they're le speshul snowflakes like yourself post about killing themselves and commiting terroristic acts over it on imageboards, and make it their personality. Literally get over yourself and unless you're really autistic or something you'll get a girlfriend.




roast his ass


I miss when angsty kids just listened to greenday and wore eyeliner instead of threatening to bomb their schools over not having sex


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>unless you're really autistic or something you'll get a girlfriend
30% of overaged zoomers/late millennials are virgins, stop spreading this myth
it doesn't just happen, real life isnt a high school tranime show or a movie and the world isnt fair

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