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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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I hate civil engineering I hate it I hate it I hate it I don't want to be an excel monkey I'm going to switch to forestry, I'd lose the last two years of work and graduate a year later for a harder and worse paying job but I'd enjoy it more, every rational thought says to get the engineering degree, the math isn't an issue i"m a smart guy the workload isn't that bad I just don't like it, hold me soybros what should I do


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I dropped out of highschool, and make money unpluging toilets and trading crypto, wish me luck on getting a driver license!


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i dropped out of high school but at least i'm not a faggot like you


Keep seething libtard.


hey soybro, i just hope you know that crypto is not going to last forever, it’s likely a fad. you must consider a backup


no let him make $1,000,000 then get denied from withdrawing because he didn't pay $10,000 by goldbergbase


Another option:

You could change your major to something in between, like environmental engineering or environmental science. This way you could use your skill in math and science but in a field you're interested in (unlike forestry where you won't use your skill in math and science). Good luck anon.


I have phisicall gold and silver, you need 50k minimum to invest in oil and stuff, with is not realistic for me.

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