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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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File: 1644793150234.png (619.67 KB, 782x758, crying microphone open mou….png)


I had a nightmare where I was playing with my gf and then she ran away so I followed her down a waterfall and when I came out I had been turned into a girl and forced to be a rich princes gf and I spent years being his gf while secretly searching for a way to save my gf and escape and eventually I found my gf as one of the wifes of the king and eventually I decided to fight back and save her but then I woke up what does this all mean????????????


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Also right before that nightmare I had another nightmare where I was at a resort with my gf except it was underwater but we could all breathe for some reason and most people were wearing swimwear except for me I was naked for some reason and everybody could see my private parts and I wanted to find something to cover up but I couldn't so I just accepted it and then after that my gf ran away

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