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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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I have autism. I tried marijuana twice and it made me miserable for hours. What would happen if I tried lsd or shrooms?


do you have anxiety?
be sure to get your hands on benzos and someone who knows






Im gonna do LSA (other hallucinogen, not LSD) some day next week


youre in for shit body load and puking
good luck anyways


I know that, maybe i make a thread on the sharty then.
But I heard that if I just let it rest in water for a few hours, I can just take off the shell and reduce the nausea a lot


why you taking LSA specifically tho


Cause it's cheap as fuck and it's my first time


ever taken something hallucinogenic before?


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No, not counting anesthesy i got in hospital once


>first time
>no tripsit
>no benzos
>possible anxiety
have fun


dont get memed by LSDditors, psychedelics are crap
what would happen is that you would spend 12 hours (that will feel like an eternity) waiting for that shit to come down
if you want to experiment with drugs do stims. MDMA, speed, whatever, you're granted to have a good time.


t. retard


Forgot to green it haha take this L trippie


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am buying dizocilpine from china, am i doing it right?


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People in this thread be so high off those nigger mushrooms


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t. LSDditor


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i think the soyteen aesthetic is more like sh0p l1fting c0ugh s yrup


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i did that too actually but without the shoplifting, pic rel is me


Why would I need to shoplift it lol


its popular among niggers and white trash


420chan and 4chan's /r9k/ loves it, shut up millennoid


yes, niggers and white trash


authentic /soyteencore/.
teens shoplift for thrills and soy culture always has been post-left funposting https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/crimethinc-why-i-love-shoplifting


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>You WILL have a tripsitter

>You WILL use benzos
>Anxiety... LE BAD!


It was pretty good tho, i didnt have any issues






drug fags (shaking my head) go to 4cuck if you want to be a stoner slacking bum faggot that probably masturbates to loli in his mom's basement.


sir drugs are party culture

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