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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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My porn addiction is getitng worse bros
every night i have half lucid dreams filled with porn but I can only watch. I literally dream of looking at internet porn


sage & glow


seek help with your soyjak.cafe buddies


'cado on the log but blogcoal


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Mine is getting better actually, used to fap everyday now it's once a week


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Maybe use that energy to work out and find a gf soiturd


I work out 3 times a week
and still have all the time in the world for my hedonism


chudkiller, move this chudcel bread


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shit that happens to me too


you WILL relapse to BBC porn


i jerk off everyday to fucking degenerate shit. black male on while male and futanari are the main ones


troon detected


i’m not a tranny, i just have a problem


I jerked of to gay ir porn like an hour ago


Not him but I mog your pudgy NEET ass anyday bantroon


I either have dreams of being back in high school and having a second chance to actually go through with asking a girl to be my gf. Or I'll have capeshit dreams where I'm Azrael and superman and batman are trying to kill me.




Shit man I just had a dream where I had dbz powers and I could fly and shit. It was awesome.


Wholesome thread.
If this were 4cuck this thread would be spammed with porn



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