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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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File: 1643249333186.jpg (117.37 KB, 886x810, 20220124_134046.jpg)


The only thing I desire in life is a soyteen gf. Do they even exist bros?


I'm not your "bro"


Yes you are, bro


There is zero brotherly connection between you and me


Yes there is. All soyteens are family.


File: 1643303264763.png (245.22 KB, 600x450, soyjak.com 2.png)

>The only thing I desire in life is a soyteen gf. Do they even exist bros?


I look like that, do that and say this all the time. I love gaping my asshole on weekends.


These are literally me


i always imagine that women hate soyjak but I don't know. maybe a majority of soyjak posters are women.


If I ever get a girlfriend I will show her my soyjak folder and send her gems throughout the day. If she has an issue with this then she doesn't deserve me.


File: 1643628128712.png (604.93 KB, 549x686, 1632996091223.png)

R9k soys this is your mindset


This is hot. Is there a white version though


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>Is there a white version though


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>>Is there a white version though


File: 1643640722034.png (381.2 KB, 680x850, 15779025531.png)

twp copium take meds sweetie

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