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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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What's the female equivalent of a chud?


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women like this need to be killed


>The stupid lying attention whore on top
I would like to burn her alive and throw her remains into a volcano


Anyone have her greentext about someone wanting to get pegged by her?


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touch birds kiwicels


nas dust
cwc trooned out later btw lmao lol kek haha lmao


sad to see all these lifeless millennials obsessing over literally whos online



which boards do you think she browses


I've been wondering as well, someone should make a female version of the chud face


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No green meme arrow therefore you look like that my love


so, a TERF?


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a mother

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