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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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How do you overcome and ultimately cope with nostalgia from your good old days?
I cannot forget how both 2018 and 2019 were the peak of my life, which nowadays has become so awful now, specially with this shitty pandemic going on.


>peak of my life
How? What happened then?


I think you're right
I need to work on myself, I'm literally way better than this yet I pathetically don't even try out performing said years out of fear of failure which I have never experienced and I don't even know why, I don't deserve this, life has literally given me everything I could've asked for, yet I don't value everything good it throws at me like the coward faggot that I've become. Never failed at anything and had so many ways of redeeming myself if I did, yet I don't value everything it because I'm fucking retarded.
And I gotta change that.
Thanks, even if your words aimed for a total different purpose, I got my eyes open again.


Nigga what? I'm just asking what are the good things that happened to you in 2018/19


lmao look at this dude thinking he's past his mental hang-ups because a single post on an offshoot shitposting forum
total manic panic energy bro what I like to do is like haha just chill and smoke the reefer maaaaan
jk jk just don't get too focused on one thing or think that your life has distinct chapters to it that have objective meaning that's cringe as fuck


>think that your life has distinct chapters
Not her but that's kino though, makes me feel like I'm a hecking cool anime character.



One of my closet friend killed himself back on feb 2020 and I just felt so impotent and lost since then, there's not a single night that I go without thinking about every single detail about the last day I saw him, his blind rage over everything, his exaggerated bad mood, his lost interest to do anything, everything was there and it was so clear, yet I just didn't see it, and i just don't know why, he showed it, but he did not tell it, he was always making excuses for it, and i believed them, like the fool i was and i never knew why, he was my friend, my best friend, and he didn't even said a word to me about it, and i just don't know why, i wish I could go back in time and just tell him just once if he was alright and hug him for one last time, but I know he wouldve just lied, like he always did to keep me happy.
I really know this isn't the place to talk about it but I really can't.
I just don't
it's been almost 2 years now, and i just can't forget it, he always kept it a secret, a secret to someone who couldve helped him and i just want to know why, why didn't him just told me that he wasn't ok, just why and now I just lay on my bed for hours thinking of why didn't I do something, anything to get him out of there even if he didnt asked for it, everything was there but no one saw. not even me and i hate myself for it


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>One of my closet friend killed himself back on feb 2020 and I just felt so impotent and lost since then, there's not a single night that I go without thinking about every single detail about the last day I saw him, his blind rage over everything, his exaggerated bad mood, his lost interest to do anything, everything was there and it was so clear, yet I just didn't see it, and i just don't know why, he showed it, but he did not tell it, he was always making excuses for it, and i believed them, like the fool i was and i never knew why, he was my friend, my best friend, and he didn't even said a word to me about it, and i just don't know why, i wish I could go back in time and just tell him just once if he was alright and hug him for one last time, but I know he wouldve just lied, like he always did to keep me happy.
I really know this isn't the place to talk about it but I really can't.
I just don't
it's been almost 2 years now, and i just can't forget it, he always kept it a secret, a secret to someone who couldve helped him and i just want to know why, why didn't him just told me that he wasn't ok, just why and now I just lay on my bed for hours thinking of why didn't I do something, anything to get him out of there even if he didnt asked for it, everything was there but no one saw. not even me and i hate myself for it


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not your fault and you cant change the past so theres no point in dwelling on it


Well, it wasn't your fault.


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you quoted half of it but not the other half? are you fucking retarded?


mega fail


aww sorry for your loss soybro


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>you quoted half of it but not
the other half? are you fucking retarded?




Kek what a failer lmao


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>Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.5734
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.5735
Kek what a failer lmao

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