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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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i like being a virgin, im not asexual by any means but the actual act of sex with another person is leagues different than just cooming to le porn
i just cant imagine myself ever having sex, i feel proud and secure knowing my virginity is untainted by the vile tendrils of a femoid


Keep coping


im really not, just imagining myself having sex feels so foreign and alien, like watching a sci-fi movie or something
im pretty average, i could probably get pussy from some chubby fat hoe if i wanted but it's not worth the trouble


Hey, I’m also a moid can i have your virginity?


the absolute state of chuds.
meds and bbc. now


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Your gonna end up marrying pic related.


Yeah /pol/fags started this ne trend why they say that having gay sex is real sex and gay man are virgins, they really think we care about this as much as they do lol


monogamy fetishists where we @


nas 'em


she do be kinda so attractive tho


nas 'oal


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pure cope

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