>>5151yeah, if you were to find yourself growing in the days where crack cocaine was first introduced in tha hood, boomers are long known to be the ones destroying the balance in the graphs and leaving mexico as a shitty fatlet land to the world, nowadays you can actually eat healthy on mexico (if you live on a state that matters) and watch your health, so you no longer be fat nor a manlet (unless you're retarded), which means that physical quality has gone up through the years and Mr Average zoom zoom is 5"7.7 and 59 kg unlike Mr Boomer Sanchez who grew up in the late 80s and is drinking his 8th daily coke and is 5"4 with 666kg of doom.
my guess is that the average hgt is goin to at least be up with todays uk's pathetic 1.75, (once those boomer fuckers die of diabetes or emigrate of course), it's not that much of a change but atleast it isnt as pathetic as an asiatic 5"4